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You lost your friend in town. Where would you go to meet him/her again?

You know he/she is within a certain distance from you: where is it more likely to meet him/her again? Make your guess, but  remember: he/she will make his/her guess too! The nearer your guesses will be, the more points you both will score! After you played, let us know the reason you chose your guess, adding some labels (e.g. station, square, musem, hospital, tube, etc). If you and your partner scored more than 80 points, you could get a bonus if one of your labels match with one of your partner!

A map of Focal Points

This game was first suggested by the Nobel Prize economist Thomas Schelling, interested, from a game theory point of view, in the dynamics of the agreements reached without communication. Beside the game theory, played on real towns, this game will provide an important set of information about urban dynamics, an hot topic in phsysics of complex systems.